Tuesday, July 19, 2011

About My Friend Herman

I lost one a good friend of mine Herman Chang, one of a nice, kind, caring and humble person I ever knew.

Monday morning, July 18, 2011, I was checking my facebook home page.. one posting catched my eyes.. "What..??" then I clicked his profile... "What...?!! Oh my God.." My body started shaking.. I screamed & cried. I want to write something on his wall but I was speechless.

I send message via BBM to one of my friend, Jose.. (I know very well how he feels toward Herman) who treats him as his younger brother, but no responded; I called him, but no answered too.

I was alone.. lost & still cannot believe what I just found out; although It's kind of late, but still shocked me.. Herman was gone on Saturday, July 16, 2011 in age of 34.

After I got cool down.. I went to his profile & wrote:
Slamat jalan Man.. We're all gonna miss you.. :'( Caroline.. yg kuat yah..

I remember how we used to spend time with coffee at Dunkin, almost every day during lunch time.. talking about dreams & goals. We also talked about how to be a good person, how we should care & sharing knowledge to others.

He's the one who introduced me to the internet world that has changed me a lot since then.

When he started his new business DGtraffic.. he's kind of a busy man :) We didn't see each other much since then.. I think the last time I saw him was a year ago at Dunkin, when he stopped by for a while, before his next meeting appointment after lunch. I knew how passion he was with his Google AdSence, cause we talked about it too.

But.. we still communicate once a while via BBM, he even told me by himself about his health and how's doing in KL. Since I don't know how his condition at anytime, so I told him to 'ping' me every time he wants/likes to.

One or two weeks ago, he BBM & told me that he's in recovery stage. I was so happy to heard that; and wished him to get well soon. Never a cross my mind he'll gone this soon.

Herman Chang, A young man with a spirit of success, yet still care about friends & others; with his warm smile always welcome for friendship, and with his humble heart always willing to help others as far as he can.

His last posting on his facebook wall:
Kita hanya 'pengelola' didunia ini, bukan 'pemilik'. Lahir dan mati tidak membawa apa-apa.
We're only a 'manage' in this world, not the 'owner'. Birth and death does not bring anything.

Goodbye bro.. You'll be missed.. I'll see you again in heaven okay.

Herman Chang, founder of DGtraffic Indonesian's First Google Advertising Certified Partner

RIP my good friend & brother.. you're in a heavenly land now.

One by one.. Only the Good die young.. They're only flying to close to the sun.. We'll remember - Forever..

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Wisuda Telis

Sehari sebelum acara wisuda Telis.. aku bilang: wah kamu bakal dipanggil duluan donk.. (karna namanya berawalan A). Telis jawab: gak mami.. kelas aku paling akhir, dan aku dipanggil paling belakangan karna jalannya lama. trus dia kasih jempolnya.. dia seneng karna gak harus duluan :D saat itu aku gak kepikir apa-apa cuma senyum aza.. apalagi Telis juga gak merasa sedih/dibedakan. Dia bahkan bilang juga.. It's ok mom.. you can come late.. since I'm gonna be the last one.. sambil ketawa.

Pas hari H-nya aku datang pas acara baru aza dimulai.. Awal-awalnya semua terasa biasa-biasa aza.. aku menikmati stiap pertunjukan.. Setiap kelas yang dipanggil diselingi dengan pertunjukan dari kelas itu. Setelah beberapa kelas dari sekolah yang Kapuk, di lanjutkan dengan kelas yang dari Kelapa Gading.. dan aku mendengar orang tua murid yang kebetulan anaknya satu kelas dengan Telis berkata.. "Lho koq yang kelapa gading dulu.."

Deg.. entah kenapa tiba-tiba aku jadi brasa tidak enak.. dan aku teringat apa yang Telis bilang.. kelasnya dipanggil paling akhir & dia yang paling belakang. Sejak itu aku tidak lagi menikmati acara per acara.. yang ada dibenakku adalah.. apa yang membuat sekolah ini mengambil keputusan untuk menempatkan Telis & kelasnya dipaling akhir.

Sejak kedua anakku masuk ke sekolah itu.. aku terkenal orang tua yang paling mudah diajak kerjasama dan tidak suka komplain.. hehehe.. tapi kali ini aku akan komplain, dalam hatiku. Apa yang bikin mereka mengambil langkah ini.. apa karna anakku ada kekurangan.. apa anakku merepotkan acara ini.. apa mereka tidak berfikir bagaimana perasaan anakku.. beginikah cara sekolah ini mendidik anak-anak yang secara tidak langsung menunjukan bahwa anak yang kekurangan berposisi di belakang..

Aku tidak marah.. aku hanya sedih.. karna aku merasa sekolah ini telah berubah dari yang aku tau dan keluar dari visi misi-nya.. Aku harus bicara.. aku tidak meminta anakku di perlakukan secara khusus tapi aku juga tidak ingin anakku diperlakukan dengan tidak semestinya. Apalagi dalam visi misi sekolah itu jelas sekali pedoman mereka melihat anak secara individual.

Disisa-sisa acara yang ada cuma kesedihan.. aku tidak tau apakah aku harus diam atau melakukan rencanaku, bicara dengan pihak sekolah. Aku bukan orang yang suka komplain.. apalagi ke sekolah anakku, karna aku ingin anakku merasa nyaman tanpa perasa malu atas sikap mami-nya yang interfensi :)

Giliran kelas Telis dipanggil.. satu per satu temennya maju ke depan.. berdasarkan alphabet.. dan aku harus menunggu sampai yang paling akhir.

Akhirnya.. "Aristotelis Justin Balaskas" terdengar.. dan aku melihat beberapa guru membantunya untuk naik kepanggung.. dan disaat dia berjalan tiba-tiba aku mendengar suara tepuk tangan yang ramai.. dari orang tua murid, guru dan lainnya.. yang aku tidak dengar saat nama anak-anak lain dipanggil. Tak tertahan air mata aku.. DIA hibur aku & menghilangkan kesedihan aku dengan tepuk tangan itu.. seakan-akan DIA berkata: "see Jenny.. It's not like you think!" (liat Jenny.. itu tidak sperti yang kau pikirkan). Ooh.. God.. maafkan aku untuk itu.. tidak seharusnya aku berfikir sperti itu hanya karna aku mendengar suatu perkataan & merasa tidak enak.. terlebih Telis-nya sendiri tidak merasa dibedakan dan dapat menerimanya dengan senang hati.

Disaat pembagian penghargaan per kelas, untuk Best Participant In English, ketika kelas Telis disebut.. Untuk Kelas P6 Theresia [ada suara yang membisikan hatiku mengatakan Aristotelis Justin Balaskas..] dan kemudian nama itupun terdengar.. Aristotelis Justin Balaskas.. Wow.. aku bertepuk tangan skeras kerasnya.. hahaha.. Thank You Lord.. Awesome.. penghiburan yang luar biasa.. :)

Walo aku belum sempet komplain namun dengan tulisan ini aku memohon maaf atas pikiran-pikiran yang sempat timbul untuk sekolah ini; dan mengucapkan terima kasih untuk para guru-guru yang sudah mengajar Telis dari kelas 1 sampe 6; juga untuk staff & pengurus sekolah, serta mba2 & mas2 yang dah membantu dan membuat Telis nyaman berada disekolah ini. Tuhan memberkati selalu.

Trima kasih Tuhan.. atas segala kebaikan, bimbingan & perhatian yang telah & selalu Kau berikan untuk anakku Telis.. Aku tau, Engkau sangat mengasihinya.. dan Kau slalu akan menjaga & memeliharanya.. :)


Status di Facebook ~ 9 Juli 2011
Status ini membuat aku menulis cerita Wisuda Telis ini :)
Tuhan tuh mmg baik yah.. gw lg kepikiran & feedback kejadian2 yg gw alamin.. kayanya stiap gw lg down/sedih.. ada aja hal lain yg bikin gw seneng/bahagia.. ngebalancein perasaan gw.. bahkan jd over joy.. :) Bikin gw berfikir gk panteslah klo gw gk bersyukur dgn apapun yg dah terjd/hrs gw alamin.. You're awesome JC.. it's the truth that You're a great lover who always be with me :) ♧Ʈhäƞĸ◦ƔoƱ♧

Thursday, March 24, 2011

My Mind & His Way

There are many things going on in my life lately and I have been thinking really hard as well.. hehehe..

To be honest.. there is one thing that I don't really pray about.. I just get along with what's going on; once a while it came across my mind.. what I want.. what I hope.. what I dream.. but again.. I didn't really pray or ask for it.

Entered the year of 2011.. something strike me.. wow.. it's almost 10 years.. I think it's about time for me to considere to open up my heart.. and guess what..?? I don't even pray for it yet.. and right away He provide it for me; then I thought what if I pray for it.. :D

Although It's kind of a difficult choice.. but I try to see what is the purpose behind this.. with a little naughty thought.. damn.. I should pray for it specificly hehehe.. But I learn from it & I don't wanna make the same mistake.. so I finally pray for this. I wanna make sure if it's really from HIM.

Lord.. you know what best for me.. let me able to recognize Your voice.. so I'll know which way I have to take.. & give me strength to do so..

Then I wondered.. how do I recognize God's voice.. I told you, I don't wanna mess up this time, so I really.. really.. bring HIM along.. :D

Amazingly, few days later, I got lesson from Rick Warren about.. "How to Recognize God's Voice" hmm.. then followed with "Don’t Be Distracted From Your Purpose" and today.. "God Can, Even Though I Can't" - In today daily hope Rick Warren also mention "God wants you to start taking steps toward your destiny. Ask him to teach you to hear his voice and then believe that he will guide you through the decisions and details of your life." oh boy.. oh boy...

Is this coincidental, I don't think so..

The more I think about this.. the more I see the connecting dots of my thought. Oh.. I thought about that.. I thought about this.. all that had cross my mind.. I see it now. I didn't even pray or asked for it.. but He makes it real and I have to face it now.. :D

Even for the thing that I thought will be hard & tough.. where I need to have extra preparation for the words & moment.. He made it so easy.. unbelievable; but that my Lord.. He can do anything.. beyond our thought.

There are some more issue I have to deal with; but if this is real from Him & His purpose.. I do believe it.. He will make the way.