Monday morning, July 18, 2011, I was checking my facebook home page.. one posting catched my eyes.. "What..??" then I clicked his profile... "What...?!! Oh my God.." My body started shaking.. I screamed & cried. I want to write something on his wall but I was speechless.
I send message via BBM to one of my friend, Jose.. (I know very well how he feels toward Herman) who treats him as his younger brother, but no responded; I called him, but no answered too.
I was alone.. lost & still cannot believe what I just found out; although It's kind of late, but still shocked me.. Herman was gone on Saturday, July 16, 2011 in age of 34.
After I got cool down.. I went to his profile & wrote:
Slamat jalan Man.. We're all gonna miss you.. :'( Caroline.. yg kuat yah..
I remember how we used to spend time with coffee at Dunkin, almost every day during lunch time.. talking about dreams & goals. We also talked about how to be a good person, how we should care & sharing knowledge to others.
He's the one who introduced me to the internet world that has changed me a lot since then.
When he started his new business DGtraffic.. he's kind of a busy man :) We didn't see each other much since then.. I think the last time I saw him was a year ago at Dunkin, when he stopped by for a while, before his next meeting appointment after lunch. I knew how passion he was with his Google AdSence, cause we talked about it too.
But.. we still communicate once a while via BBM, he even told me by himself about his health and how's doing in KL. Since I don't know how his condition at anytime, so I told him to 'ping' me every time he wants/likes to.
One or two weeks ago, he BBM & told me that he's in recovery stage. I was so happy to heard that; and wished him to get well soon. Never a cross my mind he'll gone this soon.
Herman Chang, A young man with a spirit of success, yet still care about friends & others; with his warm smile always welcome for friendship, and with his humble heart always willing to help others as far as he can.
His last posting on his facebook wall:
Kita hanya 'pengelola' didunia ini, bukan 'pemilik'. Lahir dan mati tidak membawa apa-apa.
We're only a 'manage' in this world, not the 'owner'. Birth and death does not bring anything.
Goodbye bro.. You'll be missed.. I'll see you again in heaven okay.

Herman Chang, founder of DGtraffic Indonesian's First Google Advertising Certified Partner
RIP my good friend & brother.. you're in a heavenly land now.
One by one.. Only the Good die young.. They're only flying to close to the sun.. We'll remember - Forever..
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