On Monday.. March 15, 2010. Secretly again.. hehehe.. I heard it will happen after lunch.. around 3 o'clock. Since I know about this.. I carried my mobile at anytime & some cash in my pocket.. just in case I want to buy something down there.. :)
After lunch, when I was about ready to go to the restroom.. I saw one of my staff, with worried face, ran to tell her friends to go out from the building; and the rule.. by the stairs.
Opps.. in my mind: is it the time.. oh.. shoot.. I need to go to the restroom badly.. well it's only a simulation.. I better go first.. Can you imagine.. while people were so panic.. and I still thought about restroom.. well I need to.. I have to take care of my business to avoid my suffer.. hehehe..
Although I knew what actually happen, but I have to pretend.. "Mam.. don't you wanna bring your laptop..?" asked an office girl... "Na.. It's ok.. let's go down..!!" I answered.
I saw lots of worried faces while going down by the stairs.. some of them even brought their bag.. "Jen.. you don't bring your bag?" someone asked me.. "No.. No time to take it, I was from the restroom." I was trying to be a good actress.. qiqiqi..
That stairs.. seem so long & still tiring.. even after the second time. I remembered back then, in 1997, when there was an earthquake.. I also had to go down by the stairs, the different was.. back then.. I carried my 2nd baby in my tummy.. :D
Finally.. I landed safely in the ground floor.. with shaky-shaky feet.. hehehe.. Panic faces everywhere & wondering eyes looking for answer.. what actually happen. I was still being a good actress. They guided us to one place.. and when the mineral water were given to us.. then.. people figured out that was only a simulation.. ha..ha..ha..

After a while, we have to go back to our place & so crowded; with cash in my pocket.. I decided to go to Dunkin Donat, across the building, first; to have some cold drink and guess what.. I was not the only one, some of them already there before me. Great..!!
What an experience ah; eventhough, I knew from the beginning it was only a simulation, but I already decided to participate.
Something that I hope it will never happen in a reality.. but at least I knew how it feel. Nothing to lose anyway.. although, the pain in my legs last for 3 days.. but no regret at all.